This is a subject near and dear to my heart. I have been on a long journey in the evolution of helping my kids to eat and choose healthy foods. I find this is every parent's struggle, and I want you to know that you are not alone! It can feel so challenging in a world of fast food and sugar at every turn. In this episode, I share simple tips and strategies that we CAN do in our home to help cultivate nourishing and healthy habits for our kids, especially when it comes to food! Let's face it, we all want our kids to eat healthy foods, so I'm here to light a path for you and parents who struggle just as I do to raise healthy kids in an unhealthy world. Whether you are a new mother or have older children, what I bring in this episode can be applied to all ages of children. My hope is that you find one or two things that you can implement and integrate into your life to jumpstart your own journey and evolution to raising kids that eat real food. Remember to give yourself SO much grace AND that you can only control so much. Our homes are the sacred spaces in which we can create our heaven on earth. So focus on what you CAN do and allow all the things you can't control to move away so that you can create more space for the things that really matter. I hope you enjoy this episode!