The Hippie Moms Podcast

Transforming the Narrative of Mental Illness with Dr. Fred Moss

Episode Summary

Did you know that in 2021 almost 50% of the American population received mental health services, and the majority of them were women! Humanity is searching for answers to our modern problems, all which stem from not living in alignment with how we were designed! Our mental health issues are overwhelming society, and we must begin to transform the narrative around mental health and see our way back to the truth of who we are and how we are supposed to live! In this week's episode of The Hippie Moms Podcast, Dr. Fred Moss, a renowned mental health advocate, keynote speaker, and psychiatrist, empowers us with the truth about mental health and how we must begin to undoctor ourselves so that we can truly heal, as we are designed to heal. He discovered through his soul searching what it is that humans truly need to thrive and live as resilient human, and he now brings his knowledge and gift to the world. Dr. Fred helps people find their voice and creative expression that is the portal to healing ourselves and our world. I hope this conversation inspires you to remember the truth and brilliance you are and bravely follow where your heart is leading you!

Episode Notes

Let's connect! Join me and thousands of other women on their journey toward healing and living a holistic lifestyle! 

Get Dr. Fred's new book here! 

Link to Dr. Fred's Article 

Get Dr. Fred Moss's Book, Find Your True Voice